Side note--I called that night to arrange for a wake-up call the next morning, and the kind lady asked if I'd like to have coffee brought up. For some reason, I thought this was part of their exceptional service and would be complimentary. Silly me. Well, at exactly 6:00am, my doorbell rang and there was room service in a suit not only functioning as my "wake-up call" but bringing me coffee as well. I noticed on the bill that this little service cost me $20. For coffee. Only in New York..
Here is the lobby filled with sculptures the couple has collected. Notice the antique Asian side table to the far left--we'll have these in the new store :)
And the guestroom.. Mine looked exactly like this in person!

And the marble bath. Again, it looked just like this in person!

This is a pic of just one of several themed board rooms.
And then there's this:
I love, love, LOVE the use of pattern and color in this room! The fabric on the couches have so much more contrast and shine in person--the picture doesn't do it justice.
Final verdict:
If you admire intriguing boutique hotels and have the discressionary income to do so, stay here! I will definitely be visiting again!
Until next time..
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